Nigeria’s Central Bank pays $2 billion to clear forex backlog in the last three months Business Insider Africa

In businesses with a high proportion of recurring revenues (subscription and maintenance) or services revenues, this metric is critical. A constructive discussion with buyers about your revenues starts with some common terminology. Unless your terms mean the same, discussions can become confused or worse, misunderstandings develop and your revenues may get undervalued.

Before your backlog grooming meeting, prepare well to set the stage for a productive and efficient meeting. In addition, limit your backlog grooming meetings by focusing on more than one sprint in each meeting as time allows. Then, during your meeting, practice and model active listening, use a DEEP format, prioritize the preferences and needs of the customer, manage your time well and note dependencies.

  • While a steadily-growing backlog may indicate increasing demand, it can also point to problematic internal processes.
  • A product backlog is a prioritized list of work items or features that help you meet product goals and set expectations among teams.
  • ” At this point we have a backlog that has been groomed and managed.
  • That person needs to have plenty of time availablefor maintaining the backlog in collaboration with the team and external stakeholders.

Sales backlog refers to when the number of orders your company has taken but hasn’t yet completed. It is common in growing businesses and can indicate a higher demand for a product. The presence of a backlog can have positive or negative implications. For example, a rising backlog of product orders might indicate rising sales. On the other hand, companies generally want to avoid having a backlog as it could suggest increasing inefficiency in the production process. Likewise, a falling backlog might be a portentous sign of lagging demand but may also signify improving production efficiency.

Creating a Product Backlog – Task 1 – Call a meeting

The team may also get hung up on how to use the tool rather than selecting the process that works best for them. Product backlog items vary in size and extent of detail based in large part on how soon a team will work on them. Those that a team will work on soon should be small in size and contain sufficient financial ratios complete list and guide to all financial ratios detail for the team to start work. The team may establish a definition of ready to indicate their agreement on the information they’d like to have available in order to start working on a product backlog item. Product backlog items that are not slated for work may be fairly broad and have little detail.

A team owns its product backlog and may have a specific role – product owner – with the primary responsibility for maintaining the product backlog. Because all the work for a product flows through the backlog, the product backlog provides a base for iteration planning. As your team prioritizes tasks with guidance from the product owner, they’ll also determine how much work they can commit to in a specified block of time. We’ve covered the fact that backlog grooming offers better collaboration, more feasible task lists, backlog item prioritization, team member buy-in, an infusion of team members’ expertise and less clutter.

Product backlog example

Backlog items could be any type of item which could have work related to it. But the Scrum Guide makes no mention of when, or how, to create the Product Backlog. Furthermore, prioritization decisions may be subjective based on individual opinions rather than data-driven analysis. Not carefully monitored could lead to bias or misalignment with organizational goals. He is a marketing junkie that is fascinated by how brands occupy consumer mind space.

More Frequent Product Improvements

Daktronics had been struggling to grow sales for most of the past decade, but its revenues started growing rapidly in FY22. The main reason behind the recent growth seems to be pent-up demand following the end of COVID-19 restrictions considering live events accounted for almost 40% of FY23 net sales. With these problems in mind, let’s look at how backlogs become oversized. Queues incur cost; each item will continuously require a little attention to remain valid.

The team using the product backlog determines the format they chose to use and looks to the backlog items as reminders of the aspects of a solution they may work on. Creating a backlog can be done in many different ways, with the most common method being to create user stories. User stories are short descriptions of what tasks users need or want to be completed and then prioritize them based on their level of importance (i.e., high priority, medium priority, low priority). Creating a backlog can be done in various ways, with the most common method being to create user stories which are short descriptions of the tasks users need or want to be completed. Once user stories are created, you then prioritize them based on their level of importance (i.e., high priority, medium priority, low priority). An essential component of managing the product backlog is prioritizing tasks.

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These discussions foster a culture of group prioritization ensuring everyone shares the same mindset on the program. Sales backlog ratios are often shown in units or dollars depending on the needs of the organization. It’s also worth noting that, while backlog data may be shared with stakeholders or potential investors, it’s usually not disclosed publicly. Sales backlog is typically expressed as a ratio that compares daily, weekly or monthly order totals with order processing capacity. While a steadily-growing backlog may indicate increasing demand, it can also point to problematic internal processes. More sales can mean more revenue and a bigger profit for your business.

It can feel like everything is spiraling out of control when you’re focused on your backlog, but there’s no need to worry. Taking the time to look at your backlog and planning how you’re going to tackle it will help remind you that a backlog is simply a temporary setback that you will overcome. It won’t surprise you to see airfocus emphasizing the importance of prioritization, but it is crucial if you want to shrink your backlog. And your game plan will start to become clear during the prioritization process. You can’t begin to tackle your backlog if you don’t know what tasks need to be completed. Compile a list of all the tasks that need to be done, including details on complexity and deadlines.

His focus is on small and micro-cap stocks, which he believes is the area which offers the greatest opportunity to exploit market mis-pricings. In addition, I think that Daktronics has a solid balance sheet as net cash stood at $8.2 million on October 28. This is a business with low CAPEX requirements and free cash flow came in at $35.1 million in H1 FY24, allowing the company to increase its cash and cash equivalents to $64.7 million.

In businesses with a high proportion of recurring revenues (subscription and maintenance) or services revenues, this metric is critical. A constructive discussion with buyers about your revenues starts with some common terminology. Unless your terms mean the same, discussions can become confused or worse, misunderstandings develop and your revenues may get undervalued. Before your backlog…